「自然に帰れ! 人生は一度だけなんだ! 義務なんて、地獄に落ちちまえ」
(『ムーミン谷の名言集』トーベ・ヤンソン文・絵/ユッカ・パルッキネン編/渡部翠訳/講談社/ 1998年)
"- Soon I can dip my toes into the lake. Behind me is the forest and the lake is in front of me. I'm sitting in a border of two-element and dangling my feet in the water. It takes place in July at the rented cottage which I go every year to do nothing. The idea of going to the cottage is just that 'doing nothing'. It is a good idea. "
Author Markus Leikola’ s image of summer is very Finnish. In the summer time Finnish people want to spend time in the nature. They like to enjoy swim- ming, berry and mushroom picking, light summer nights and live a simple life. An important part of summer life is it that basic home works take time. Chopping wood, carrying water, putting on food, washing up dishes, heating of water for washing dishes are works which are including the summer life. No other program is needed.
Winter in Finland is long and dark. Especially in October and November it’ s very dark. In the following months the snow illuminates the landscape, but the sun doesn’ t begins to show itself until the end of February. Spring is coming soon in May. Trees burst into leaves, flowers are blooming and bright nights raise the Finns. The Finnish summer and white summer nights are something mystical. The Finnish people view that you cannot spend time inside during summer. You have to be out in nature, preferably close to water.
A functional relationship with nature, sustainable development and a clean environment are important values for Finns. People appreciate free time to experience authentic things. People yearn for nature - the countryside and forests, the sea and the lake region. For Finns it is a luxury that you can go to your own beach for a swim after the sauna. Birds and the wind are humming, from far away you may hear boat's engine. Then the Finnish people feel truly happy. Own summer house is an important part of the Finnish dream and the essential part of the summer.
Finnish summer is like a dream of Moomin Valley came true, where they are living close to loved ones far away from the rest of the world. Everyone has the time to take care of what’s important to them - to sew, strum, to fish, to meditate, to read, to dream ...
Like Moominpappa said "Back to nature. We live only once. Damn obligations."