
マギーズキャンサーケアリングセンター エクゼクティブ ディレクター ローラ・リー

マギーの思いを引き継いで、がんの影響を受けた人が必要とする支援への取り組みを始めてすでに20年以上になります。マギーズセンターのコンセプトは建築や場の持つ力と専門職のサポートを組み合わせて提供する点にあります。センターを訪れた人はがんに関する情報や精神的サポート、実務的アドバイスを無料で受ける事が出来ます。 そこで提供されるサービスはコミュニティ全体を育み、人々を元気づける環境の中で提供されています。私たちのセンターを利用する人々に提供される建築や内装とスタッフの態度によって育まれるくつろぎと癒しの空間は、同時にその人たちをエンパワメントする空間でもあります。これまでに生まれた私たちのセンターは地域の人々にとってのアイデンティティーともなり、地域の人々がセンターを自分たちのものだという意識を持っています。20年以上にわたって英国マギーズがネットワークを広げる事が出来たのは、マギー・ケズウィックの熱意を汲み取った地域の人々との恊働があったからです。


Executive Director, Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centers Laura Lee

I want to congratulate you for the exhibition of Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centers.On behalf of the Centres, I would like to extend our deepest appreciation to those who show interest in our Centres and choose us for your exhibition.

The main aim of Maggie’s Centre has remained unchanged since Maggie Keswick, a cancer patient, and I first discussed the blueprint for a cancer caring center in 1994. Our Centres exist to help people help themselves as they deal with physical, psychological and social impacts of a cancer diagnosis. We know that people hold within themselves the most extraordinary strength; our Centres are places where anyone affected by cancer can go to discover and learn new skills and strategies to cope.

For the last 20 years and more, we have been involved in meeting support needs of people under the effects of cancer compassionately as Maggie wanted. One of the unique feature of our Centres is to combine the power of building and space with the professional support. A Centre provides, free-of-charge, to anyone who walks in ; information, psychological and emotional support, and practical advice. Crucially, all these elements are offered within an environment that is designed to nurture a community and help people to feel well. Healing space created with a building, interior space with a kitchen table at the center and attitudes of our staff is also an empowering space. People have found our centers as community identity and showed sense of belongings. Over the last 20 years, Maggie’s network has grown because we have been able to work with people in the community who share Maggie’s passion.

I understand that collaboration of Ms. Masako Akiyama, a nurse, and Ms. Miho Suzuki, a cancer survivor, enables Maggie’s Tokyo Project to start. Maggie’s Tokyo will be under construction soon to open its door in 2016 to support thousands of people who are diagnosed with cancer and their significant others throughout Tokyo and beyond. Maggie’s Tokyo will be our 19th center and our second international center. From our experience in UK and Hongkong, we are looking forward to the program in Tokyo and are thrilled in expanding this new model of support that will transform experience in people with cancer, their families and friends in Japan.

We are endowed to pioneer in improving cancer support on a global scale. Thank you for believing in Maggie’s and for working with us to improve the lives of people with cancer throughout the world.