
コミュニティデザイナー・studio-L代表 山崎 亮



To Those Involved in Landscape Design and Architecture
Community Designer,studio-L CEO Ryo Yamazaki

Maggie Jencks, the co-founder of Maggie’s Centres, was a landscape designer and a researcher of Chinese gardens. However there are virtually no textbooks for learning the history of landscape design in which her name appears, although the names of American landscape designers such as Frederick Law Olmsted, Lawrence Halprin, and Peter Walker appear in every textbook.

Maggie’s husband Charles Jencks was a famous architectural critic. However if you examine his work there is almost no mention of Maggie’s Centres, although you will find his discussions about post-modern architecture, his research into Le Corbusier, and his book entitled “The Architecture of the Jumping Universe”.

This is an unfortunate fact for the world’s landscape designers and architects. If they knew the role played by Maggie and Charles in the Maggie’s Centre project, then landscape designers and architects could understand the potential reach of their capabilities. This is not just limited to producing drawings, being knowledgable about vegetation, and designing spaces. The imaginative, creative, practical, and co-operative capabilities of landscape designers and architects can be expanded to be used in various fields such as medical, welfare, caregiving, education, etc. This is what the Maggie’s Centres project teaches us.

This is my view, as one that was formerly a landscape designer. However, after learning about the Maggie’s Centre project, I felt that there is still more that we can do, and I aspired to the road of community design. Since then 10 years has passed. I am still on the journey, but at this stage I can say that there are many fields besides architecture where our capabilities should be used.

The Maggie’s Centre project was mainly promoted by a landscape designer and an architecture critic. However it is a project that should also be known by people involved in fields other than these, although it should also be better known among people engaged in landscape and architecture. What the Maggie’s Centres project tells us is that the capabilities we have can contribute to society beyond the confines of our field.