




友人代表 ヤノベケンジ


Frozen Conservatory
Kenji Yanobe

It was 2 years ago. Aomori suddenly turned after receiving news of the accident. At that time as I viewed hismarvelous exhibition space I thought that it is totally impossible to reproduce this in another location without him. The memory of this experience is even now frozen within me. Likewise the words he spoke have not yet thawed and have not been digested.
I would like to share with you a little of my frozen memories through the words I spoke at his farewell two years ago.


Osamu Kokufu, I still cannot believe that you have departed from this world.
From the time we met as my junior in 4th year at university until the present, we worked at the same place, traveled overseas together, and I probably spent more time with you than anyone else apart from my family. I am embarrassed that I never told you this, but I always thought of you as a younger brother.
While having superior physical capability and unmatched skill at producing mechanical works, you possessed an extraordinary refined, pure, and gentle heart like a child.
Above all after the Great East Japan Earthquake you suffered great distress. I even worried that you brooded too much and endured anguish deeply considering the serious global environmental problems, and how people should lead their lives. You undertook the challenge of developing a machine that would reduce the radiation level, and we both drove to Fukushima by car to test that machine. We spent amazing time together, sometimes arguing violently, and other times sharing joy.
You really were a person that loved all equally, and were loved by everyone. Not only people, but also animals, plants, and machines were each given vigorous life by your love. By your hand a broken down car was given a personality having a pulsating life. Here in Aomori was someone with a personality that burned with the feeling of “let me help” when seeing a car in bad condition. This truly was an unfortunate accident.
However the works and the exhibition that you finally left are wonderful. Without a doubt it is Kokufu’s masterpiece. In the curved corridor space of the art center within the forest, there is a dynamic installation in which water is circulated producing new life. The work resonates with the building, its presence resonates with the surrounding forest; it is a heart-shaking masterpiece that allows people that view the work to feel a connection to the world. As Kokufu knew, I was his most outspoken critic. This work made me speechless and envious. The artist first brought to maturity the world inside himself, and in the next step embarked on the stage of connecting to the outside world. Then the artist had one of those rare moments when that connection synchronized with the great power of the outside world, and the power of the artist resonated with the power of the world. At that time the artist truly was an artist. Without a doubt I can say that this exhibition has stepped into this stage.
It is a great pity that we cannot see what would have come next, but what you have left to us is immeasurable. Your passion for creating works, your deep love for all, your attitude to how people should live, and your personality all live on and grow in the people that have come in contact with your works, thereby changing for the better the world over which you were so concerned.
We will remember you all our lives. Thank you for everything. Please rest in peace.

Kenji Yanobe, representing Kokufu’s friends
May 10, 2014