“Essence of Beauty (Bi-no-Tsubo): Japanese modernism~ lifestyle of nostalgia” was planned with NHK Educational, commemorating 10th anniversary of the program “Bi-no-Tsubo”. Our gallery has been promoting enjoyment and understanding of architectural culture among citizens, including children and not limited for experts. Various side events such as workshop, guided tour and lecture are planned to enhance the objectives of the exhibition. NHK Educational has created a new film for the exhibition, highlighting enjoyment and appreciation of beauty: “beauty in something palatable” and “beauty through pursuit of pleasurable hobbies”. These are the real secrets of beauty.
The exhibition is presented in seven categories of beauty in life, one of which features architectural culture, the theme of activities of this gallery. The collaboration with NHK Educational is also triggered by the shared sensibility of enjoyment, which you can experience in the exhibition. The episodes in the film run to wonderful jazz music. Music communicates breaths of people. The exhibition is filled with sensitivity of craftsmen. You can feel warmth of creators and users in the exhibits.
It is my sincere desire that the visitors will appreciate quality and warmth in the items displayed and enthusiasm of all concerned in organizing this exhibition. And lastly but not in the least, I would like to congratulate NHK Educational on the 10th anniversary of the long-lived program.