
白川裕信 公益財団法人ギャラリーエークワッド館長

ギャラリー・エークワッドの89回目の展覧会は、“AINO AALTO Architect and Designer - AlvarAaltoと歩んだ25年”と題して企画致しました。本展は主催が公益財団法人竹中育英会で、共催という形でギャラリー・エークワッドが企画立案を行いました。フィンランド大使館、フィンランドセンターにはご後援をいただきました。Alvar Aalto Foundation & Museumの理事長、館長はじめ多数のスタッフの皆様、そしてAalto Family Estateの役員でご夫妻の孫であるHENRIK氏には、現地での視察、貴重な資料や情報の提供等で一方ならぬご支援、ご尽力を賜りました。この他多くの関係者の皆様に多大なご協力をいただいています。開催に際し、改めて御礼を申し上げます。



建築作品に加えて、椅子やガラス器、ファブリックなど、今日でもファンの多いプロダクトの数々、写真家としての作品、家族写真など、これまで公開されていない貴重な資料も集めています。加えて、展覧会に合わせて2004年6月にフィンランド語と英語の併記で出版されたAino Aaltoに関する本(編集Ulla Kinnunen)の翻訳本をTOTO出版様から発行していただきました。展覧会と併せて参照していただき、理解を深めていただければ幸いです。




Hironobu SHIRAKAWA Director of Gallery A4

The 89th Gallery A4 exhibition is planned with the tittle “AINO AALTO, Architect and Designer — 25 years with Alvar Aalto”. It is organized by Takenaka Ikueikai, Public Interest Incorporated and co-organized by Gallery A4 in planning this event. I would like to express our gratitude to Finnish Embassy in Japan and Finland Center for their support. I extend my deepest appreciation to the president, the director and many other staffs of Alvar Aalto Foundation and Museum for their great help and to Mr. Henrik who is the grandson of Aino and Alvar Aalto and director of Aalto Family Estate for his support during our visit to Finland and provision of valuable materials and information. I should take this opportunity to thank many other persons for their cooperation with us.

Aino was four years older than Alvar and active as a wife, mother and business partner. She was involved in business as an equal design partner to Alvar for 25 years when women were not active in the society, while managing home and educating their children. She passed away just before her 55th birthday. Alvar was active for another 27 years after the death of his wife. Most of the information available concerning Aalto’s focuses on achievement Alvar Aalto made. As indicated by their trusted and good partnership till the end of Aino’s life, they made great achievements as a couple and their performance cannot be separated. That is the basic interpretation we have in planning this exhibition.

Visiting sites related to their activities revealed some of the differences they had. One of them is the representation of line. Alvar made weaving, gentle and sometimes evasive line drawings, while Aino’s clearly depicted outlines of the object with varying width of lines. I would recommend you to compare their drawings displayed in the gallery. The difference reflects not only their born sensitivity but also difference in their roles in the design process.

It is our great honor that we can display valuable materials not published in Japan before today, including architectural buildings, chairs, glassware, fabrics and many other products popular today as well as photographic works as a photographer and private information. We are delighted that the book on Aino Aalto (edited by Ulla Kinnunen) published in Finnish and English in June 2004 is translated into Japanese and published by TOTO publishing company in time for this exhibition. I sincerely hope the the book will help you understand their works and life deeper.

Overwhelming presence of Alvar Aalto has prevented exhibition on her from being held even in Finland. Since Gallery A4 has such small exhibition space as 220㎡, we wondered if it is possible to show great achievements of Aino Aalto. I sincerely hope that many people learn about Aino and deepen their understanding of architecture through her work in this exhibition, which is planned by all those concerned with respect and love of Aino Aalto. Lastly but not in the least, I extend my warm welcome to this exhibition.

August, 2016