
白川裕信 公益財団法人ギャラリーエークワッド 館長











Hironobu SHIRAKAWA  Director of Gallery A4

“The Little House” stands in a big arc of sunlight on the hill with daisies (the language of the flower is hope) blooming. This house in the typical style in Cape Ann where Virginia Lee Burton lived is the main player of the story. The house stands there humbly indicating the idea that she will never change herself while watching changes of time in a day and in a year. It is a symbol of happiness without any sign of changes. The scene at the beginning of the story does not give us any hint that she is tossed about in a rapidly changing society. It is a carefully designed preface to draw her readers into the world of heart-beating thrills. The house is anthropomorphic, showing subdued but clear changes in her emotion at each moment through subtle expressions of windows, doors and steps.

Virginia was good at painting and trained to be competent in sketching at Art School where George Demetrios, who later became her husband, taught. In addition to this, she was trained in dancing when young and good at expressing with physical motions. These two profiles of her, I think, synergistically interacted to allow her to make stunning representation of people in her works. When we magnify her drawings, we are surprised to find that each small figure drawn in her picture book has her or his strong message.

“Make rough sketches. Carefully look at objects and sketch. To design is to draw their nature out!” I am not sure if she talked like this. But she stressed importance of repeating preliminary drawings until a person can reach to its essence as the source of design at Folly Cove. It is thought that her tenacious will and lofty instruction had led activities of women in the East Coast small town to the national presence.

I learned that Virginia, in the process of writing picture books for children, told her story she wrote and showed pictures she painted to children, observed their reactions carefully and fed it back to her stories and drawings to refine the books. It is very interesting that her process of production is completely different from those of world renowned artists who discovered their atmosphere of paintings after long years of wandering, believing in themselves. This attitude of her might be the secret of her picture books successfully surviving the test of time.

At the exhibition, there is a display of “The Little House” popping out of the book. Almost 75 years have passed since it was first published in America. She might say as she wrote at the end of her “Life Story” : “Now it is your turn to think. How each passing second makes a new link in the endless chain of time around the Little House? Now it is your Life Story and it is you who plays the leading role!”

In this exhibition, in addition to the original drawings, there is a display of her original works and valuable references to introduce her wide scope of activities. The number of displayed materials is unprecedented. Aristides Demetrios, the eldest son of Virginia Lee Burton, and his wife participated in the symposium held on June 15 and highly appreciated the exhibition including layout of the exhibition hall. Waggish behavior Aristides showed in front of the model of the little house impressed me. It may be that he could not but behave that way since he was excited with deep love to his mother. Two other speakers of the symposium, Ms. Masae Miyagi and Ms. Kyoko Matsuoka, looked around the exhibition with lots of enthusiasm.

The exhibition with so many reference materials cannot be held without ardent desire and tremendous support and confidence with many people and organizations. Lastly, but not in the least, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to TAKENAKA SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION, Mr. Aristides Demetrios, Cape Ann Museum, Kerlan Collection at University of Minnesota, Sawyer Free Library, Tokyo Children’s Library and many others for their sharing valuable materials including her original paintings. We have referred writings by B. Elleman translated by Masae Miyagi to learn about Burton in depth.