

絵本の仕事と同時にフォリーコーブ・デザイナーズの仕事をこなしていた彼女は多忙を極めていましたが、後の『DESIGN AND HOW !!!』の構想に繋がる彼女のデザイン理論の実践がテキスタイルや絵本の図版で繰り返し試されていたことが分かります。

*1: ヴァージニア・リー・バートンは親しみを込めて、友人や家族にジニーと呼ばれていた。


Fabrics of Folly Cove Designers

Those who know Burton all say, “Jinnee*1 was an energetic woman. She never stopped a moment and was filled with ideas. Her illustrations of lively motions, which go beyond the pages of books, are nothing but extension of dancing to her. She was not drawing from her mind but put the comfortable sense of motion of her body onto the paper.”
Burton lived in Cape Ann, which had attracted many artists since around 1870 as a summer resort. The town was known as an artist colony where artist such as Edward Hopper lived. Immigrants from Finland started to settle down in the town between 1882 and 1920, introducing unique culture of sauna, music, folk dance and handicrafts. Many artists lived a serene life there with their own studios. Virginia Lee Burton and her husband George Demetrios frequently hosted folk dance and music parties and baseball games with children in their yard. They became the core of the community. She started teaching designs and dancing, leading to the activities of Folly Coves.
Burton taught the members importance of observation and repeating sketches from different angles. If we can identify the essential nature of the objects, we can be designers. She repeatedly emphasized, saying “Don’t copy. Observe, then the nature gives us ideas.” Thorough and attentive observation and sketching are what she learned from her husband George. Burton loved to make designs of little birds, plants and flowers and shellfish and lobsters she found in her yard and nearby creeks. She made print motifs from her familiar sheep and cats she had. She asked her students to find motifs in their daily life and interests. Burton had a good sense of humor, which is reflected in her designs. Some of her design motifs are boxers who never win nor loose, young women who are desperately on diet, and women who love gossips. Their motions are represented comically as if in a frame advanced movie. It is again the result of her skilled observation.
She was so busy working both on picture books and for Folly Cove Designers. It was clear that she practiced her design philosophy and tried it in her textile production and illustrations of her picture books. The philosophy led to the plan of “DESIGN AND HOW!!!” in later years.

*1: Her friends and family friendly called her Jinnee.