
宮城正枝 ヴァージニア・リー・バートン研究家



半ば引退した芸術家たちが暮らすのどかで自由な海辺の町で、ヴァージニアは絵を描いたり、オペレッタでダンスしたりしながら、西海岸の底抜けの明るさを身につけることになります。やがて父もMIT を退職、家族と合流するのですが、母は24歳年下の若者と恋におち、家族を捨てて出て行ってしまいます。





彼女の絵本に描かれるのは、ハイウエイを作り、空港の土をならし、大雪の町を救い出す除雪車など、発展していくアメリカを作り上げた機械たちや、あるいは悪漢をやっつける暴れ馬など、行動力のある力持ちの主人公たちです。しかもみな女の子の名前が与えられ、she で書かれているのです。当時、女性は結婚して家庭に入るものと思い込んでいた女の子たちへ、女性だって何でもできるのよ!とエールを送るかのように。また、「ちいさいおうち」の入り口には、英語のhistoryがhis storyから来ているのを、男性だけが歴史を作ったのではないという思いのこもった、herstoryという言葉が書きこまれています。








The Life of Virginia Lee Burton and Her Legacy
Masae MIYAGI  Researcher of Virginia Lee Burton

Picture books and textile designs done by Virginia Lee Burton have always attracted me with their humor and their sense of fun. And I cannot help but find myself smiling. We see children swimming naked in the pond of the garden in “The Little House” during the summer time, and going back to school in a wild haste in the fall. We also find women busily engaged in exercise and absorbed in gossiping as in the designs of “Reducing” and “Gossips.”

Virginia was born in a little town near Boston in 1909 when America began to experience its rapid transformation to a world power. Her father was the first dean of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Around that time, New England was strongly influenced by the Puritan values of diligence and perseverance. Her mother was a British poet with a liberal mind. She was her husband’s second wife and was more than twenty years younger than he. Telling her husband that the cold climate in the North East of America was bad for the health, she took the children, including Virginia, all the way across the continent and settled in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California. At that time, Virginia was only eleven years old.

It was a peaceful and liberal town along the coast where many semi-retired artists lived freely. Virginia loved painting pictures and dancing in operettas. She had an effervescent personality and was also very diligent. Her father joined them after retiring from MIT, but her mother fell in love with a man 24 years younger than herself and left home leaving her family behind.

Virginia lived with an acquaintance to finish her high school there. After graduating from high school, she got a scholarship at an art school in San Francisco. She also took ballet lessons from a famous teacher, while studying painting. With her innate diligence and effervescent personality she devoted herself to painting and dancing to overcome the pain of being abandoned by her mother.

She returned to the East Coast to join her sister who was already in a dance company in New York City. But then, her father broke his leg, and she decided to stay with her father taking care of him. She got work as a sketcher for the newspaper Boston Transcript. She enrolled in a drawing class at Boston Museum School, where she met George Demetrios, a teacher and a sculptor. They got married the following year and moved to Folly Cove at the tip of Cape Ann. George had a studio there, which he had inherited from his mentor. Virginia lived the rest of her life in this village by the sparkling ocean and the deep green woods.

It was the time of the Great Depression in America. George opened a school of drawing and sculpture there. He also grew vegetables and kept sheep in the yard. They invited their friends and neighbors to have parties even during that gloomy period in American history. They served roasted lamb and crisp fresh green salad from George’s garden and people enjoyed dancing and playing sports. George and Virginia’s warmth embraced all who came and their joie de vivre encouraged them. They continued hosting parties for many years which became the center of the community’s social life.

Virginia started to write picture books for her two sons. “Choo Choo” was for Aris, her oldest son and “Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel” for her younger son Mike. She always told the stories and showed the pictures she was writing to her sons and children in the neighborhood. She watched their reactions and rewrote again and again until the children were completely satisfied. During World War II, windows near the coast had to be blacked out for security. Virginia woke up at dawn, wore fur-lined boots, and kept herself warm with a coal stove to write “The Little House.” In this story, a little house was built in the country, but as the city grew, the house was almost crushed by high-rise buildings and elevated railways. The house was forgotten for years. One day, the great-great-great daughter of the person who had built the house came and took the house from the crowded, busy city to the top of a hill in a pasture. Finally the house could enjoy seeing the stars and the flowers again. Maybe Virginia thought that true happiness lies in living in harmony with nature. In 1943 the book was awarded the Caldecott Medal, the highest prize for a picture book.

The protagonists of Virginia’s picture books are the machines that laid the foundation of America including a power shovel that built the highways and smoothed the land for runways, a snowplow that rescued the town from heavy snow. One book was about a powerful horse fighting against villains. Virginia gave these characters girl’s names, and they were called “she.” In those days, girls took it for granted that women would stay home after marriage. Virginia was sending them a loud message that women were capable and could do whatever they wanted just like men. At the entrance of “The Little House” the word “Her-story” was engraved showing Virginia’s idea that history (his-story) was not made only by men.

The machines she wrote about had been left behind in the rapid advancement of society and were in peril of disposal. Virginia cared about these machines that had worked so hard and so long, so in her stories she tried to find a way for them to survive.

In these books we can see her strong protest against the efficiency-centered consumerism of America and her belief in the value of diligence.

She started teaching design in response to the request of her neighbors. She was a perfectionist and developed innovative and unique design techniques which she taught to her students, most of whom were housewives raising children. They wanted to decorate their houses with hand-made items because there was shortage of goods during the war. They carved designs into linoleum blocks and used these to print patterns on fabrics for tablemats and curtains. They had an exhibition at Virginia’s studio. People who visited the exhibition wanted to buy the products. That was the beginning of the business of “Folly Cove Designers.” It coincided with the arts and crafts movement and the unique activities of Folly Cove Designers were featured in many popular magazines and attracted people’s attention. The group received orders from all over the country. The members of the group raised their children at home, created their designs, carved them into linoleum blocks and printed them on fabrics to earn their income. They continued learning to create products of higher quality. Virginia declined several offers of mass production since she wanted to maintain hand-made processes from design to printing. She was a group leader and she herself created 34 designs of humorous moments, daily living, dance, landscape and sea creatures. They gained a high reputation for being very local and at the same time very much American.

Her post-war work “Song of Robin Hood,” can surely be called Virginia’s artistic tour de force. She used unbelievably elaborate fine techniques in the book and she received the Caldecott run-up award.

She lived a hard and busy life as a wife, mother, picture book writer and fabric designer. She lived her life with New England diligence and perseverance. She enjoyed finding small but fun moments in everyday life which gave her the power to live. But habitual heavy smoking and drinking too much coffee, which she needed to survive years of early rising and long days of work, gradually eroded her health.

She started to write her last book “Life Story.” She spent eight years researching and drew a large number of pictures again and again to write the story starting from the beginning of the universe, the birth of the Planet Earth, the emergence and disappearance of dinosaurs and mammoths, to people surviving the Ice Age and arriving in the New World, America. Then the first settlers went West and Virginia’s family lived on the land that the settlers once farmed. The book goes on to describe the family’s daily life and the beautiful changes of the four seasons. The story ends at the dawn of a new day with the words “And now it is your Life Story and it is you who plays the leading role.” Thus this magnificent story ends with a message for the children of future generations. Virginia passed away at the age of 59, six years after the completion of the book.