

なお、『いたずらきかんしゃちゅうちゅう』は字の大きさに工夫が凝らされていて、発刊当時「音が聞こえる字」と絶賛されました。ベルの音には、DING DONG DING DONGとひときわ大きな活字が使われ、ブレーキをかけると、小さなsが7つ続いた後、突如SSSSWISHと大きな音を立てて止まります。「ちゅうちゅう」が廃線の中に迷い込み、座り込むところでは彼女の溜息にそって大文字から小文字へ、やがてch...からa..a..へと消え入りそうな字に変化して、字を見るだけで途方にくれ疲れきった「ちゅうちゅう」の気持ちが子どもたちに伝わるのです。日本語版でこのバートンの工夫が十分に生かされていないのは残念です。





Features and Messages of the V.L. Burton’s Picture Books
Layout of Text

She took text of a picture book as a part of the design of a page. Text is not a simple line of letters but arranged in a certain shape. The text was typed and arranged in a predetermined shape of space. The words pushed out were cut with scissors or inserted into the following line to complete the book. For example, the text was arranged in a semi-circular shape along a curveture of a road in “Mike Mulligan”. In a page where citizens discuss how to pull Mary Anne excavating a basement in a day out onto the ground, the letters are lined along the illustration like waves breaking on the shore and retreating. The line of letters indicates how people are expressing different opinions without reaching conclusion. In the original version of “The Little House”, there was acknowledgement to her husband George (written as Dorgie as her sons called him) in the circle of daisies in the first page.The first text was embedded in a taxiway to the house tapered toward the door. The house rescued on a truck go along a long crooked road in the countryside where the text is aligned in a crooked shape parallel to the road. “Choo Choo” is much clear in the concept. The text below a small town are arranged in almost equilateral triangles, whereas in the page where Choo Choo strays the text is in a narrow rectangular space in parallel to the track, reflecting rollercoaster-like change of feelings of Choo Choo.
There is another elaboration in font size in “Choo Choo”. It was highly praised when first published, saying “The letter produces sound.” DING DONG DING DONG, the sound of bell is in specially big fonts. When applying the brakes, seven s’s are followed by a big sound of SSSSWISH to stop. When Choo Choo strayed into a dead track and is exhausted to sit down, the words changes from uppercase to lowercase then to ch... and then disappearing into a..a... The change in fonts communicates how Choo Choo feels at a loss and fatigued. It is a pity that this design of the text is not incorporated in copies of Japanese translation.

From The Little House Dummy Book, 1942, Collection of the Cape Ann Museum

From Sketchbook, Undated,
Collection of Aristides Demetrios

From “Choo Choo”