

バートンの絵本には、いつも最初のページに献辞が添えられています。『いたずらきかんしゃちゅうちゅう』は長男アリス(TO MY SON ARIS)に、『マイク・マリガンとスチーム・ショベル』は次男のマイク(TO MIKE)に、『ちいさいおうち』は夫のジョージ(TO DORGIE)に、『はたらきもののじょせつしゃけいてぃー』は道路管理部のジョンに、また『ちいさいケーブルカーのメーベル』は存続運動を指導したクラスマン夫人に、『はだかの王様』は父に、『ロビンフッドの歌』にはそっと、アリスとマイクへとリボンの裾に小さく書いています。絵本の中にも夫ジョージの働く様子や、子どもたちがブランコで遊ぶ姿などが描かれ、仕事と家庭の両方を大事にしようとする彼女の姿勢がうかがえます。そんな彼女にとって、献辞は家族への深い愛情を伝える一つの方法であったと考えられます。


©Aristides Burton Demetrios

©Aristides Burton Demetrios

©Aristides Burton Demetrios

©Aristides Burton Demetrios

©Aristides Burton Demetrios

©Aristides Burton Demetrios

©Aristides Burton Demetrios


As a children’s book author

In the picture books by Burton, the first pages show dedication; “Choo Choo” to her first son Aris , “Mike Mulligan” to her second son Mike, “The Little House” to her husband George (To Dorgie), “Katy” to John at the Department of Road Management, “Maybelle” to Mrs. Klussmann who led the movement to preserve the cable cars, “The Emperor’s New Clothes” to her father and “Song of Robin Hood” to Aris and Mike as written in small letters at the end of the ribbon. Illustrations of her husband working and sons playing with swings in her books indicate her equal value of both work and family lives. Dedication is one of the means to communicate her deep love to her family.
Her last book “Life Story” has no dedication. Her interest extends beyond her family into past and future of cosmos, the earth and all living things on this planet including mankind. The beauty of illustrations and texts in the last few pages moved the readers more than any other books. Seasons change and a new dawn comes. She wrote, “And now it is your Life Story…Each passing second is a new link in the endless chain of Time.” This is a hymn to the precious earth that is the only planet with life. It is a pray-like message of hers to us, wishing the earth to be a beautiful and unpolluted planet forever for the sake of all Life.

P14-17: From ‘Features and Messages of the V. L. Burton’s Picture Books’ by Masae Miyagi (contribution)

“ChooChoo” to Aris, her elder son
©Aristides Burton Demetrios

“Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel” to Mike, her younger son
©Aristides Burton Demetrios

“The Little House” to George, her husband
©Aristides Burton Demetrios

“Katy” to John at the Department of Road Management
©Aristides Burton Demetrios

“Maybelle” to Mrs. Klussman who led the preserving movement
©Aristides Burton Demetrios

“The Emperor’s New Clothes” to her father who read her picture books
©Aristides Burton Demetrios

To Aris and Mike, written small on the edge of ribbon in “Song of Robin Hood”
©Aristides Burton Demetrios