
松岡享子 翻訳家/児童文学研究者  東京子ども図書館名誉理事長


日本の旅館に泊まって温泉に入ってみたいというバートンさんの御希望で、下呂に三泊いたしました。うち一日、お天気のいい日を選んで高山に行きました。夕方には汽車でまた下呂に戻ったのですが、私たちが駅前に出ますと、何台も並んで客を待っていたタクシーの間から一人の運転手さんが「やあ、お帰りなさい」といわんばかりのにこにこ顔で私たちに近づき、私たちを自分の車に案内してくれました。私がはてな・・・・と思っていると、バートンさんは「この運転手さんは、今朝私たちを駅まで送ってくれた人でしょう」とおっしゃったのです。車が動き出して運転手さんがいろいろ話しかけるまで、私にはそれがわかりませんでした。「よく憶えていらっしゃいましたね」と感心する私をいたずらっぽく見て、バートンさんは一言、「画家の眼(artist’s eyes)」とおっしゃいました。自分の眼は画家としてしっかりものを見るように訓練されているので、一度見た人の顔はなかなか忘れないというのです。





家庭文庫研究会会報38号 1964年7月、月刊『繪本の世界』1973年9月号より引用・再編

来日時の写真 1964、個人蔵
a. 東大寺にて松岡享子と
b. かつら文庫にて
c. かつら文庫にて石井桃子と


Trip in Japan with Ms. Burton
Kyoko MATSUOKA  Translator/Researcher in Children’s Literature   Honorary President of Tokyo Children’s Library

In the Middle of March 1964, Ms. Burton came to Japan by herself. She had written to Ms. Momoko ISHII several times that she wanted to visit Momoko’s beautiful country. She was not an easy traveller, though. She was never at ease of travelling. I now wonder why Ms. Burton, who called herself “a timid traveller”, decided to come all the way to Japan at that time. Anyway I was fortunate that I had lost the job at that time and could accompany her during her trip in Japan. It was a two-week trip, leaving Tokyo on March 20 and returning on April 3 via Numazu, Gero, Takayama and Kyoto. I was with her literally from morning till night. I will tell you some of my experience at that time.

Ms. Burton wanted to stay at a Japanese inn and we decided to stay at Gero three nights. On a fine day during our stay there, we had excursion to Takayama and came back to Gero by train in the evening. When we came out of the station, we saw lines of taxis waiting. A driver came out between the taxis and approached us with a big smile on his face communicating, “Welcome back.” He led us to his car. I was not quite sure what had happened, but Ms. Burton said, “This driver is the one who drove us to the station this morning.” I did not remember this until he started talking after the car started to move. I was amazed, saying, “You have a good memory, don’t you?” She then mischievously said, “Artist eyes”. She told me that she remembered faces of people very well since she was trained to observe very attentively.

It is my impression during this trip that she carefully looked at many things. She always carried her sketchbook, saying that it is her camera, and drew pictures. What she drew most frequently were people, not buildings nor landscapes. It seemed she was interested in a woman carrying her baby on her back, a stooped elderly citizen, and a young female bus conductor who led buses with whistles. She never sketched those people on the spot. She said that she wouldn’t because it was not a respectful thing to do. She observed people very carefully and sketched them from her memory in the hotel at night. She had trained eyes to observe people and objects, which became evident later.

I learned from Ms. Burton that the heart of painting is not to draw but to observe. She watched sunset from the window of the hotel at the beach of Numazu and enthusiastically described to me how the colors of the ocean and the shades of pine trees changed moment by moment. I heard her say “How beautiful!” when she put her head out of the blanket and observed falling snow at the inn at Gero in the early morning. At those moments, I envied Ms. Burton because she could make the experience I shared with her richer and more significant. I felt ashamed of myself since I did not find as much pleasure as she did from the nature, though I frequently complained that the nature had been lost in Tokyo.

“The Little House” revealed her great love for the changing seasons. Ms. Burton made all her works deep rooted in nature (real world life) as in the philosophy of Folly Cove Designers. In her latest book “Life Story”, she elaborately described not only changes of seasons but also those of days, from morning, afternoon and to night as well as changes from sunset to sunrise. Her pictures clearly reveal how deeply she was amazed at and pleased with the changes in nature.

Ms. Burton, with her marvelous eyes and naïve mind, observed sea, mountains capped with snow, bundles of straw neatly piled up in the paddy fields and bamboo bushes in Japan. She watched temples in Nara and Kyoto and road constructions in Tokyo. She gazed at people hustled and bustled in the train at the doors and people bowing many times on the street. Not only that, she visited pachinko parlors, chorus coffee shops and even watched samurai movies.

She always reminds me of the image of not an artist but a craftsman. She did not depend on flash of brilliant ideas nor mood in pursuing her work. She used her eyes and hands to create her works. She showed dazzlingly meticulous elaborations as represented in her book “Song of Robin Hood”, which is nothing but the work of best craftsmanship. When the artist given with extraordinary talent worked to the best of her capacity, coincided by the force of time and nature (including society), unconstrained deep work is created. This is something people cannot produce with mental complication. That is how Burton’s picture books were made.

Excerpted and reorganized from Journal of Home Library Society, vol.38 (July 1964) and monthly magazine “The world of Picture books” (September 1973)

Photographs: Burton in Japan  1964, Private collection
a. At Todaiji Temple with Kyoko Matsuoka
b. At Katsura Bunko
c. At Katsura Bunko with Momoko Ishii