
『THE HORN BOOK MAGAZINE』1971年4月号掲載文より抜粋





















翻訳:重松加代子 (原文は英語で掲載されました)


Extract by “THE HORN BOOKMAGAZINE” April 1971
Virginia Lee Burton’s Trip to Japan
By Momoko ISHII

It was from Virginia Lee Burton’s Christmas card of 1963 that I first learned about her plan to come to Japan. Even before that, to be sure, she sometimes mentioned her desire to see “your beautiful country,” but in this card, she clearly stated that “there is a chance I might come to Japan in January.” at that time. At once, I wrote back that January was not a very good month to visit my country and she should not expect Japan to be beautiful, at least for the time being, when both our central government and the Mayor of Tokyo were putting most of our budget into digging up streets and tearing down old houses to meet the deadline for the Olympic Games to be held in the fall.

She entirely disregarded my concerns about the chaotic conditions in Tokyo, and after some exchange of letters and some changes of plan, she sent me a final notice that she would arrive in Tokyo on March 15 by Japan Air Lines. She said that she had reservations at the Imperial Hotel through March 19, but that she was leaving the rest of her itinerary open. She did want, however, to stay in Japan at least two weeks, so that she would be able to see the cherry blossoms.
Matsuyo Yamamoto and Kyoko Matsuoka, the former with Fukuinkan Shoten then, and the latter, with excellent credentials as children’s librarian from Western Michigan University and Enoch Pratt Free Library. I knew that the three of us would be well able to take her around in busy, crowded Japan.

Two ladies from the editorial office of Iwanami Shoten and I were at the Haneda Airport the evening of March 15, 1965. Her plane was due at 7:40 p.m., and it was quite dark outside when we went out on the ramp to watch her arrive.

Then, when almost all of the passengers had gone on to the customs office, a lone, slender figure clad in a brownish suit and carrying a white shoulder bag slowly walked toward the building. “That’s she!” I shouted. Then, “Mrs.Demetrios!” But she had gone into the building without noticing the three excited women on the ramp.

After we had waited about forty or fifty minutes, Mrs.Demetrios came out accompanied by a porter, looking neither right nor left. I grabbed her arm and said, “Mrs.Demetrios!” Her face brightened up like a child’s. “Why, Momoko, I didn’t expect you! How could you recognize me after such a long time!” she cried in her husky voice, which I so well remembered.

She wanted to travel in a leisurely way, “to see the real Japan, not the tourists’,” We decided that we would discuss her plans later. She opened her one suitcase – she was a light traveler – and, saying, “I brought you a present,” took out a copy of the famous “Song of Robin Hood” and inscribed on the back of the title page:

    “Best wishes to my dear friend Momoko Ishii
    From Virginia Lee Burton.”

I took this chance to ask, “What shall I call you?” “Call me Jinnee,” she said. “All my friends do.”

Then we decided to get together again next day and talk over Jinnee’s itineraries. Matsuyo, who was on their staff, was to take Jinnee around while in Tokyo, and then they assigned Kyoko to take over to accompany Jinnee to Kyoto and to Nara “in a leisurely way.”

While she was still in California, I had asked her to be one of the lecturers at a seminar on children’s books which we had been planning for editors, teachers, and mothers in collaboration with the American Cultural Center in Tokyo, and to the delight of Miss Dorothy Spofford, the chief librarian of the Center, she agreed to do this.

In the afternoon of her second day in Tokyo, she talked and explained how she created her own books, and answered the questions put to her by a Japanese audience of about one hundred. Many participants knew “The Little House”,“ Katy”, and“ Choo Choo”, since Japanese children really love these books.
In the evening, there was a lovely buffet dinner at Miss Spofford’s apartment. It was a lively group of Americans and Japanese, about fifteen altogether, and among them Kyoko Matsuoka. The conversation was quite spirited, and it was a memorable evening for us. We felt that for the first time since her arrival, Jinnee looked very cheerful and interested, and seemed to have regained her good spirits.

A piece of business which was also awaiting her in Tokyo, whether she liked it or not, was the Japanese edition of “Life Story.” Iwanami Shoten had been trying to get the right to publish it in Japan. On the third day in Tokyo, after a brief business session at Iwanami Shoten in Kanda, the publishers’ and bookshop district of Tokyo, Matsuyo and I took her to see kabuki. Generally, the plots of kabuki plays are extremely involved and even for the Japanese they are becoming difficult to follow. Fortunately, Matsuyo was a kabuki lover and there was an English program available at the theater. With these helps, Jinnee immensely enjoyed the plays. The color schemes, the stylized movement, the peculiarly unique elocution of the actors must have impressed her more than the plots, I am sure. In the dim light, her hand moved fast on a small sketch book which she held upon her lap.

The next day, it was my responsibility to take her. We went to Kamakura, a city which abounds with historical sites and temples, for it was the seat of the central Japanese government in the thirteenth century. We saw many temples and old sculptures. For an artist, Jinnee told us surprisingly little about what she thought about the things she saw. When we went to see the Big Buddha, she was delighted, but she noted that, “The horizontal line of the wall mars the line of his figure.”

On Sunday, we cruised round a part of the peninsula by ferry. Sea wind, rugged cliffs, and little villages on the shore must have reminded her of New England, and she told us how she fished on the beach with her husband in Folly Cove, using periwinkles as bait.

Sunday afternoon, we left Jinnee in the care of Kyoko. The inn at Géro, Yunoshima Ryokan, is very old and famous.Jinnee wore a kimono which the inn provided, ate Japanese food, drank sake, and slept on mats. As the weather was not good, they had to stay for three days. One day it snowed. In her letter, Kyoko told us how busy Jinnee was – sketching trees in the snow outside her window while sitting on a zabuton in her room with her feet on the foot-warmer.

At last they came to Kyoto, our old capital. There she and Kyoko found great help in the person of Prof. Masabumi Nakagawa. A native of the city, he was able to introduce Jinnee to many aspects of Kyoto which a mere tourist would never get to glimpse. Jinnee and Kyoko visited interesting places, such as little workshops for silk printing, stencil dyeing, the weaving of precious sashes, and the making of gold thread. When Jinnee went to see a stencil cutter, she got quite excited and asked the man to teach her how to whet the knife. On her way back to the hotel, Jinnee told Kyoko that in these men, there lived on the kind of genuine craftsmanship which can only be handed down from father to son; that she had seen so much that she would not be able to find time enough to write about everything to her husband.

Another Mr. Nakagawa, the friend Mr. Matsui, drove the three to Nara, our oldest capital. At Kasuga Shrine, they fortunately happened to see a typical Shinto wedding and a miyamairi, our old custom of taking a newborn baby to the shrine to pray for lifelong protection from the god. Jinnee met the Big Buddha again here, and this time, he sat in a palace of his own, the largest wooden building in the world. I do not know if he is more handsome than the Buddha in Kamakura, but certainly he is bigger. Whenever you stand in front of him, he looks much bigger than you expect him to be. His size delighted Jinnee.

All this while, she was sketching children and people – working, playing, or sightseeing. Jinnee told Kyoko that once she could grasp the mannerisms in the movement of Japanese people she would like to illustrate a collection of Japanese folk tales.

From that day to the day of her departure Jinnee was a guest at the Gardiners’, although, she was out most of the time. To me, the most important thing that happened during her last few days was her visit to my little home library. As she had given the publisher’s splendid bouquet to me, the hall of my house was gay with real roses when she came to see us on Sunday. The children enjoyed having with them the person who had created “The Little House”, “Katy”, and “Choo Choo.” She talked gently to them and drew ‘Choo Choo’, ‘The Little House’, and many other things they requested. One four-year-old asked her to draw “Some fierce animal which is not horrible.” And she instantly produced dinosaurs and brontosaurs.

In the evening, a few friends gathered at my house. She told us about the history of the Folly Cove Designers and about episodes which had happened in the course of its development. She even explained her theory of design, drawing simple examples on paper.

We went to see kabuki again, too, for Matsuyo and I thought she had really liked it. “To be able to see kabuki twice…,” she repeated several times like a child when we told her of our intention. She enjoyed her kabuki session, but her most important errand during this period of her stay was to buy swords for her husband. Jinnee bought two swords, a long one and a short one, each one with an impressive certificate. But what she liked particularly about them was the craftsmanship, the design of their hilts.

When she was about to leave Japan, I asked her what she thought of Japanese arts in general. She answered that to her it seemed that Japanese artists were getting detached from nature and that it was not a good thing, and that artists must go back to nature again and again.

On her last day, the several Japanese friends she had collected gathered at the Gardiners. She said goodbye to them and we drove to the airport. Thus her leisurely trip in Japan came to an end and she left us not as just another author, but as a good friend. For some time after her return home, her letters came to us about every other week. “You were kind,” “You were good.”

Were we so kind to her? Were we so good? We do not know. We just liked having her in Japan very much. It was foolish of me to warn her before she came here about Japan’s not being beautiful at the moment. She was a person who when she saw something knew what was real and essential and what was not.

Translated by Kayoko Shigematsu