


©Aristides Burton Demetrios

©Aristides Burton Demetrios

©Aristides Burton Demetrios

『はたらきもののじょせつしゃけいてぃー』原画 1942、ソーヤー・フリー・ライブラリー所蔵
下から2番目のみ『はたらきもののじょせつしゃけいてぃー』スタディ 1943、ケープアン・ミュージアム所蔵


Katy and the Big Snow (1943)

Katy is a red big snow shovel with heart-shaped shovel. The town of Geopolis is buried in the big snow and people’s life there is in a great chaos with trains and buses unable to be operated. Katy tries to respond to help requests coming all corners of the town, removing snows to help town infrastructure to revive. Katy is powerful with lots of accessories and components to complete varieties of tasks. One day Burton took her older son Aris to Road Administration Office in Gloucester to show him a snow shovel in action. She put her son and herself in a driver’s seat so that her son could see and experience how the vehicle moved. The story was created since she became more interested in the shovel than her son. To draw illustrations, she rushed to Boston when there was a big snow there and followed snow shovels in operation and sketched them. The town Geopolis was modeled after Gloucester where Burton lived. She used two pages to draw a map of the town with a town hall, a station, schools and hospitals. Children study the map and develop their imagination to see buildings and lives in the town. Powerful Katy dug policemen, mailmen, medical doctors, firefighters, runways of the airport and the roads in the town out of snow. Children here again are drawn into the story at each motion of a shovel. She is a careful director of a story to offer the readers joy of discovery. In the illustration of “Katy”, they can find characters of other stories such as those in “Choo Choo” and “Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel”. The text is also effectively arranged in a dynamic manner so that it fuses into illustrations.

©Aristides Burton Demetrios

©Aristides Burton Demetrios

©Aristides Burton Demetrios

“Katy and the Big Snow” Original Artwork    1942, Collection of the Sawyer Free Library
Second from Bottom: “Katy and the Big Snow” Study Papers    1943, Collection of the Cape Ann Museum