
白川裕信 ギャラリーエークワッド 館長

ギャラリーエークワッドの95回目となる企画展のテーマは“、marimekko spirit”です。

2017年フィンランドは独立100周年を迎えられ、また2019年日本とフィンランドの外交関係樹立100周年を目前にして、フィンランドを代表するブランドであるマリメッコの企画が実現したことを大変悦ばしく思っております。マリメッコは1951年に創業しました。マリメッコとは「マリのドレス」という意味であり、Mekkoはフィンランドの古い言葉で「小さな女の子のドレス」という意味があり、更に“Mari”という言葉は、創業者のアルミ・ラティア(Armi Ratia)のArmiという綴りの組み換えでもあるそうです。* 命名の多義性にデザインへの強い拘りを感じます。





*『マリメッコのすべて』編著:マリアンネ・アーヴ, 訳:和田侑子, DU BOOKS, ディスクユニオン, 2013


Hironobu SHIRAKAWA  Director, Gallery A4

It is our honor that Gallery A-quad has its 95th Exhibition with the theme of “Marimekko spirit”.

It is especially a pleasure to us that we could realize the exhibition of Marimekko, a representative Finnish brand, at this time since Finland celebrated its 100th anniversary of its independence in 2017 and we will have 100th anniversary of diplomatic relationship between Finland and Japan in 2019. Marimekko was inaugurated in 1951. Marimekko means “Mary’s dress”. The name was coined with the name Mari and “mekko” which means a dress of a little girl in old Finnish language. Mari is also a recombination of the spelling of Armi, the first name of Marimekko’s founder Armi Ratia.* Ambiguity of this naming shows depth of her devotion to design.

In planning this exhibition, exploration has been made to find how best to represent Marimekko spirit, leading to the idea of fusing the world of tea ceremony, a Japanese traditional culture, and Marimekko products. The Japanese have found treasure in every meeting for it will never recur. Tea ceremony offers a host and guests with opportunity to share this valuable time and space, putting their social status aside. There seems to be something common with Finnish sauna culture where people share space, putting their clothing aside. Tracing back the history of Marimekko, sauna was designed as a product called Marisauna based on the ideal of Armi Ratia to design lifestyle. And in the history of tea ceremony, there was a custom called “Rinkan Cha-no-yu”. The custom was to offer guests tea after letting him take steam bath to wash off his sweat. Similarity between the two cultures is the foundation of fusion.

Japanese tea ceremony might be a culture with progressive spirit to challenge courageously with new ideas while following traditional forms. There are diverse expressions of tea ceremony houses now. It seems traditional framework of tea ceremony house has generosity and tolerance to accept any innovative attempts. We try to highlight this aspect in this exhibition. In tea ceremony events, hosts will show their hospitality with the ideas to create unique space with nature in backbone.

The tea ceremony house at the exhibition was structured in accordance to the tradition and the fabrics of the walls inside and outside of the house other than that for the alcove and utensils including tea cups and a hanging scroll were selected by two Marimekko designers: Minna Kemell-Kutvonen, a director of design of household goods and printed products and Sami Ruotsalainen, a designer and product developer. Many designs of Marimekko show deep insight into nature. Marimekko uses in-house designers and offers free-lance designers to freely develop their designs under the brand. It is to give them incentive for creativity and to make the company for continuous innovation. This has been a very ambitious business strategy, supporting the company to survive and thrive. Here we can feel common philosophy between the cultures of Marimekko and tea ceremony. Both the tea ceremony house and the sauna at the exhibition are of the same four-and-a-half-mat size. It is our hope that you will try to have direct experience.

Lastly, we would like to extend our cordial appreciation to those who have supported and cooperated with us to realize the plan.

*“Marimekko: Fabrics, Fashion, Architecture” Written and edited by Marianne Aav, translated by Yuko Wada, DU BOOKS, disk union, 2013