
岡部三知代 ギャラリーエークワッド 副館長/主任学芸員








Design in Life
Michiyo OKABE  Deputy Center Director/Chief Curator, Gallery A4

On a solid rock or among trees in a deep forest in the spectacular nature in Finland, women models stand straight on a land with strained fists in the sunlight like white birch. Marimekko has pursued modern female image, liberated, free, powerful, strong-minded and at the same time cute.

Marimekko, one of the representative Finnish brands, was founded by Armi Ratia in 1951. The company name Marimekko means “Mary’s dress”. After the Second World War the land as well as the economy of Finland was devastated and people lived in great hardship. There were few women entrepreneurs then. Armi started Marimekko with her determination to overcome the difficulties Finnish society faced then and to enrich people’s life with the power of design. She had an ambition to make her employees enjoy balanced work and family life beyond pursuing equality of both sexes and liberation of housewives. She developed an idea of creating an artist village called Marikylä with a plan of factories and housings for employees so that they can live a rich life. Unfortunately the idea of Marikylä was not realized. Armi, however, purchased a traditional mansion of a noble family named Bökars in the suburbs and built a sauna and experimental housing in a yard. She invited her guests and employees there to organize trainings, fashion shows and parties and pursued her ideal ways of working.

Maija Isola was one of the very first Marimekko designers and proposed very colorful designs, leaving a shock-like influence on Nordic culture in Finland. It is a Copernican change for Finnish designs that had mostly been in natural and warm earth colors. Expression with bold colors, patterns and shapes is further highlighted with contrast of colors and monotones, tradition and modernity. Many designers are inspired by shapes in the nature around to create their motifs. Designs reflect their value in relationship with nature and preference of rational and extreme simplicity. The sensitivity resonates with Japanese.

Company by Armi has culture of freedom, which has attracted many freelance designers after Isola and has produced many talented designers including Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi. Among them were Japanese designers, Fujiwo Ishimoto and Katsuji Wakisaka.

In this exhibition, Marimekko designs are expressed in the form of sky, woodland and garden. We built a tearoom and a sauna there to let them encounter. Finland has a unique culture of sauna that is deeply rooted in people’s life. It is a life style allowing people to live a healthy life. Sauna also has served as a social space of diplomacy and friendship since people without protection of clothing are interacting as equal humans in sauna. Dated back in history, Japanese tea ceremony had a courtesy rule called “Rinkan Cha-no-yu”, purifying them in a bath before tea ceremony. It is said that a bath those days in Japan was not a warm water bath but a steam bath, which is more like a sauna. A tea ceremony room is a place where Japanese esthetics is condensed. A host and guests directly communicate and feel hospitality and culture of “wabi” and “sabi”. Finnish sauna offers space for spiritual and mental relaxation.

Marimekko’s original prints and colors are loved not only by Finnish people but also by people all over the world. The company’s product portfolio includes high-quality clothing, bags and accessories as well as home décor items ranging from textiles to tableware. In the spirit of Armi Ratia believed in and pursued the power of design to empower people to be happy as they are and bring joy to their everyday lives through bold prints and colors. She preferred enjoyment of life and relaxing time with beloved family members and friends to big success in business or financial affluence. Universal design of Marimekko that Armi Ratia gave birth to is telling us what is the most important for us to live a good life however small it may be.