
マイヤ・イソラ Maija Isola (1927〜2001)

Marimekko Official Website
マイヤ・イソラ, 1963, DM
マイヤ・イソラ, 1961, DM




『マリメッコのすべて』 編著:マリアンネ・アーヴ, 訳:和田侑子, DU BOOKS, ディスクユニオン, 2013, p.295

『マリメッコ パターンとデザイナーたち』 執筆:マリア・ハルカパー /サミ・スッコ/アンヌッカ・アルヤヴィルタ/ミンナ・ケメル-クトゥヴォネン, 訳:島塚絵里, パイ インターナショナル, 2013, p.68-71



Maija Isola  (1927〜2001)

Maija Isola
Marimekko Official Website
Melooni (melon)
Maija Isola, 1963, DM
Joonas (a male name)
Maija Isola, 1961, DM

In 1949 Maija Isola became the first full time designer hired by Printex company that spawned Marimekko two years later. She had studied in the Textile Department of Institute of Industrial Arts from 1946 to 1949. In her final year at school, she participated in the printed fabric design competition through which Armi Ratia discovered her talent. Since then, she had been active in Marimekko for 38 years producing more than 500 designs.

Maija was also an active painter in oils and tempera. She often used motifs of her paintings in fabric designs. She loved freedom and made frequent trips, experience of which gave profound influence in her designs and paintings. After leaving Marimekko, Maija returned to painting and pursued till her death.

Armi prohibited motifs of flowers since she believed that printed flowers were no better than flowers in the nature. Maija, on the other hand, made bold designs of big flowers, asserting that she should be free from any restriction in her work. Thus Unikko (poppy flower, 1964) was born. Unikko was highly evaluated in the textile industry with a great success. It disappeared from the market in the 1970’s when a big printed patterns were not in fashion, returning to the fabrics at the end of 1990. The motif regained popularity and it is one of the most popular designs of Marimekko even today.

“Marimekko: Fabrics, Fashion, Architecture” Editor Marianne Aav, Yale University Press, 2012, p.295

“MARIMEKKO kuvioissa” & “In Patterns MARIMEKKO” Editors Maria Härkäpää, Sami Sykkö, Annukka Arjavirta, Minna Kemell-Kutvonen
First published simultaneously in Finnish and in English by Werner Söderström Ltd in 2012.

Marimekko official websites