
ヴォッコ・エスコリン-ヌルメスニエミ Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi (1930〜)

Marimekko Official Website
ヴォッコ・エスコリン-ヌルメスニエミ, 1954, Marimekko
ヴォッコ・エスコリン-ヌルエスニエミ, 1956, DM





『マリメッコのすべて』 編著:マリアンネ・アーヴ, 訳:和田侑子, DU BOOKS, ディスクユニオン, 2013, p.296

『マリメッコ パターンとデザイナーたち』 執筆:マリア・ハルカパー /サミ・スッコ/アンヌッカ・アルヤヴィルタ/ミンナ・ケメル-クトゥヴォネン, 訳:島塚絵里, パイ インターナショナル, 2013, p.54-56


ヴォッコ・エスコリン-ヌルメスニエミ, 1953,


Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi  (1930〜)

Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi
Marimekko Official Website
Iso Noppa (dice)
Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi, 1954, Marimekko
Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi, 1956, DM

Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi was hired as a textile designer by Marimekko in 1953. Because of the difficulties at the time in printing a pattern with such wide areas of colour, Nurmesniemi’s first initiative was to spur the development of new printing techniques to accommodate her work.

Vuokko created a glorious colour combination through the printing process of superposing colours. The technique later became one of the features of Marimekko and the designers use the technique today. Vuokko’s special quality is derived from her powerful colour combinations and free style.

Later Vuokko began designing clothes for Marimekko. She designed clothes that were loose and simple in line, liberating women from the tight-fitting fashions with corsets of the 1950’s. Innovative fashion designs are architectural in nature. In 1956 she designed Jokapoika (every boy) shirt. Originally intended for men, it became not only a unisex fashion, but also Marimekko’s classic, which is present in the market through today.

Vuokko was also in charge of designing installations for exhibitions. In the exhibition at Design Research shop in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the clothes she designed were displayed together with ryijy rugs. Even more publicity was generated for Marimekko when Jacqueline Kennedy bought dresses by Vuokko at Design Research, which became the exclusive distributor of Marimekko in USA after the exhibition.

Vuokko left the firm in 1960 and founded Vuokko Oy in 1964 to continue her innovative work. Vuokko became indispensable to Marimekko with her design of dresses and colours, giving tremendous influence on Marimekko.

“Marimekko: Fabrics, Fashion, Architecture” Editor Marianne Aav, Yale University Press, 2012, p.296

“MARIMEKKO kuvioissa” & “In Patterns MARIMEKKO” Editors Maria Härkäpää, Sami Sykkö, Annukka Arjavirta, Minna Kemell-Kutvonen
First published simultaneously in Finnish and in English by Werner Söderström Ltd in 2012.

Marimekko official websites

Piccolo Pattern Dress
Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi, 1953, DM