
イームズ・デメトリアス イームズオフィスディレクター/イームズ財団理事長



Eames Demetrios  
Director of the Eames Office / Board Chairman of the Eames Foundation

The Eames House is a family home. I’ve walked its grounds as a grandson and a father, a brother and a groom, an uncle and a child, a writer and a student, a husband, a brother-in-law, and even as a grieving son. But my first visits were simply as one of a passel of five delighted grandchildren who lifetimes later share today the stewardship of the Eames House. Here we’ve been tour guides, baristas, repairmen, ladder movers, interpreters, listeners, researchers, leaders, followers, creators, photographers, filmmakers, geologists, welders, and naturalists (just for a start). The House was even the home of the Eames Office for more than a decade after Ray’s death. And all of those roles taught me a little more about this special place, the way it lives and breathes.
The House never grows old. It’s made me deeply happy each of the (literally) thousands of times I’ve come up that driveway, or opened the living room curtains, or climbed its stairs. There is always a new beauty and peace about the structure, the objects that inform and inhabit it, and, of course, the ever present landscape—embracing you even in those rare spaces inside without vantage.
The indoor-outdoor experience is fluid and seamless. The smell of Eucalyptus brings a smile, especially on a damp day. Once a year the butterflies lure you outside—and regularly a raptor will harvest a thrashing squirrel from a branch that was a millisecond too comfortable.
But there are few times lovelier than night in the meadow. Hearing the waves—sounding closer than they actually are—as you look back at the house lit from within, you find it looks not just like a jewelbox, but also like the jewel itself. The facets of the house are many, but perhaps they come to this:
The Eames House is not simply a family home. More accurately: through what the Eameses called the “love and discipline” of their work and ideas, there is around the world a family of people Charles and Ray reach every day, directly and indirectly. For that family, which includes us too, the Eames House contains a path to every part of the Eames story.
The India Report can be seen in the ceramic bull collected on that 1958 trip, now on the living room’s free-standing bookshelf. The off-the-shelf parts reflect the knowledge they saw embedded in unself-conscious design—be it industrial or traditional. The colors of the façade manifest their understanding that aesthetics can be a part of function. Plastic resin window sliders were their first encounter with that material—soon to revolutionize furniture. The palpable respect for the meadow shown by the final siting exposes one facet in particular: the way that in an Eames design you can always see the idea. Every glance adds to the list.
The House does grow old. But with this extended family, initiatives like the Eames Foundation’s 250 year project, and champions like Gallery A4, we approach the upcoming decades with great enthusiasm. Charles and Ray advised of another project, “We guard ourselves against wants that could be hazardous—such as expressions of form or structure or monumentality or even an over-emphasis on beauty.” After 70 years, the Eames House expresses that restraint perfectly—with the way that it still defers to the meadow and yet only becomes more lovely still: just the way it should be.