  • 公益財団法人竹中育英会
  • 公益財団法人ギャラリー エー クワッド
  • 田中厚子(芝浦工業大学特任教授)
  • イームズ・オフィス、イームズ財団、
    アメリカ議会図書館、ゲティ保存修復研究所、丸亀市猪熊弦一郎現代美術館、剣持デザイン研究所、一般財団法人 今日庵 茶道総合資料館、武蔵野美術大学 美術館・図書館、ハーマンミラージャパン、Iconic Houses Network、
  • 公益財団法人ギャラリー エー クワッド
  • 株式会社エヌテック、株式会社 東京スタッフ、アトリエマツダイラ
  • 木村浩士(アルフ工房)
  • 岡部三知代、徳平京、風当嘉津美
  • 田中厚子(芝浦工業大学特任教授) P3、P6、P16
  • 重松加代子 P3、P4、P6、P16
  • Ted Richards P2、P13、P14
  • 光齋昇馬
  • kabastudio/east 秋山和生
  • 酒井忠康(世田谷美術館館長)
  • 木下直之(静岡県立美術館館長)
  • 和氣雅子(株式会社AWP代表)


・Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division は以下LC, P&Pとする ※LC,P&Pについては全てⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC ・Library of Congress Manuscript Divisionは以下Library of Congress, MSSとする ・通番が振られていない写真は、全て関係者撮影 ●p1 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 撮影 : 奥村光也 ●P3 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 撮影 : 奥村光也 ●P5 01 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 02 同上 03 ⓒ J. Paul Getty Trust 04 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 05 同上 06 同上 07 <https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/>を基に作成 08 Photo: Scott S. Warren ⓒ J. Paul Getty Trust 09 同上 10 ⓒ J. Paul Getty Trust 11 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC ●P6 01 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 撮影 : Charles Eames 02 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 撮影 : 奥村光也 03 Case Study House No. 20 (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1948   ⓒ J. Paul Getty Trust. Getty Research Institute,   Los Angeles (2004.R.10),Photo by Julius Shulman   04 Case Study House No. 22 (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1960 ⓒ 同上 ●P7 01 arts and architecture 1945年1月号(復刊本),   ⓒ 2008 TASCHEN GmbH,ギャラリー エー クワッド所蔵 02 現代日本建築家全集17 池辺陽 広瀬鎌二,栗田勇 編,   株式会社三一書房,1972年,ギャラリー エー クワッド所蔵 03 Philip Johnson, Johnson House and Pavilion   (New Canaan, Conn.), 1963   ⓒ J. Paul Getty Trust. Getty Research Institute,   Los Angeles (2004.R.10),Photo by Julius Shulman   04 Sheats House (Beverly Hills, Calif.), 1963, 1963   ⓒ 同上 05 Irving Gill, Dodge House (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1954, 1967   ⓒ 同上 06 Dunsmuir Apartments (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1940, 1940   ⓒ 同上 07 arts and architecture 1945年8月号(復刊本),   ⓒ 2008 TASCHEN GmbH,ギャラリー エー クワッド所蔵 08 Eames House (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1950   ⓒ J. Paul Getty Trust. Getty Research Institute,   Los Angeles (2004.R.10),Photo by Julius Shulman 09 Case Study House No. 9 (Los Angeles, Calif.)   ⓒ 同上 10 Case Study House No. 20 (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1948   ⓒ 同上 11 Case Study House 1950 (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1951   ⓒ 同上 12 arts and architecture 1953年6月号(復刊本),   ⓒ 2008 TASCHEN GmbH,ギャラリー エー クワッド所蔵 13 Case Study House No. 20 (Altadena, Calif.), 1958   ⓒ J. Paul Getty Trust. Getty Research Institute,   Los Angeles (2004.R.10),Photo by Julius Shulman 14 Case Study House No. 21 (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1958, 1959   ⓒ 同上 15 Case Study House No. 22 (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1960   ⓒ 同上 16 Case Study House No. 23 (San Diego, Calif.), 1961   ⓒ 同上 ●P8 01 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 撮影 : 奥村光也 02 Case Study House No. 8 ("Bridge House") for Charles and Ray Eames, at Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, California, 1945, 1 architectural drawing on tracing paper : graphite, with colored pencil note at bottom ; 27.9 x 45.7 cm (sheet) , LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-33528, LC-USZC4-4845, LC-USZC4-1695, LC-USZ62-102066. 03 Case Study House No. 8. House for Charles Eames, owner, 203 Chautauqua Blvd., West Los Angeles, lot 1, tract 13251 / Kenneth Acker, architect C-408 ; Mackintosh & Mackintosh, consulting engrs.,14 Oct. 1948,1 architectural drawing on paper : graphite, colored pencil, and watercolor on diazo photoprint, with colored paper collage ; 50.6 x 90 cm (sheet) , LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-33530 (digital file from original item) LC-USZC4-4932 (color film copy transparency) LC-USZ62-102062 (b&w film copy neg.) LC-USZC4-1688 (color film copy transparency) 04 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office,LLC /Library of Congress, MSS 05 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 撮影 : 奥村光也 06 ⓒ 同上 07 ⓒ 同上 08 ⓒ 同上 ●P9 01 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 02 ⓒ 同上 03 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 撮影 : 奥村光也 04 ⓒ 同上 05 ⓒ 同上 06 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC   Digitized by ASSOCIATION FOR PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGY,   INTERNATIONAL,BULDING TECHNOLOGY HERITAGE LIBRARY,   From the collection of Mike Jackson,FAIA 07 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 撮影 : 奥村光也 08 ⓒ 同上 09 ⓒ 同上 10 ⓒ 同上 11 ⓒ 同上 ●P10 全て ⓒ 2019 Gallery A4 撮影 : 光齋昇馬 ●P11 01 Charles and Ray Eames, with Giant House of Cards in Graphics Room at the Eames Office, Los Angeles, California, Mar. 1953, 1 photograph : 35mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57245 . 02 Exterior of the house of Charles and Ray Eames, Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, California, showing open windows,11 Nov. 1952, 1 photograph : film negative; 11 x 13 cm (4 x 5 format) ,LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57327 03 Group portrait of Ray Eames with Eames Office staff, standing outside an exit door, Nov. 1979, 1 photograph : film negative; sheet 13 x 10 cm, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57308. 04 Charles and Ray Eames at their home, Los Angeles, California, 13 Feb. 1979, 1 photograph : 35mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57286. 05 Charles and Ray Eames, gathered around a table with others, possibly staff members in the Eames Office, 15 Dec. 1967, Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57261. 06 Charles and Ray Eames talking at her birthday party, 17 Dec. 1962, 1 photograph : 35mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57251. 07 Charles and Ray Eames, half-length portrait, standing outdoors, in portrait for the New York Herald Tribune, March 1956, 1 photograph : 35mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57247. 08 Laura Donges, seated at table, being photographed by Charles Eames, at the Eames House, Pacific Palisades, California, Apr. 1974, 1 photograph : 35mm color film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57313. ●P12 01 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 02 Japanese potter Shōji Hamada with Charles Eames, looking at slides, 13 Sept. 1963, 1 photograph : 120mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57292. 03 撮影:早川豊 04 Ray Eames with sculptor Isamu Noguchi, 13 Feb. 1979, 1 photograph : 35mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57287. 05 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 06 ⓒ 同上 07 ⓒ 同上 08 ⓒ 同上 09 ⓒ 同上 10 Brushes hanging from a frame in the home of artist Genichiro Inokuma, Japan, July or Aug. 1978, 1 photograph : 35mm color film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57322. 11 Views of a sumo wrestler at a studio session for a never-completed film, Sumo Wrestler,about 1971 or 1972,1 photograph : contact sheet ; sheet 21 x 26 cm. (8x10 format) ,LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ds-07497 (digital file from original contact sheet) 12 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office,LLC /Library of Congress, MSS 13 ⓒ 同上 14 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 15 工芸ニュース29巻5号,1961,武蔵野美術大学 美術館・図書館所蔵 16 ⓒ 2019 Gallery A4 撮影 : 光齋昇馬 17 ⓒ 同上 ●P13 01 ⓒ 2019 Gallery A4 撮影 : 光齋昇馬 02 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 03 ⓒ 同上 04 ⓒ 同上 05 ⓒ 同上 ●P14 01 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 02 Office room display for An Exhibition for Modern Living. Collage design drawing, 1949, 1 drawing : graphite, paper, and photograph collage on paper ; sheet 21 x 30 cm, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-39682. 03 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 04 ⓒ 同上 05 Ray Eames at work on a model of the proposed Billy Wilder house, 1949, print ; sheet 10 x 12.5 cm, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ds-07654. 06 Charles and Ray Eames, looking at slides on a light table, in the Eames Office, Los Angeles, California, Apr. 1971, 1 photograph : 120mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57296. 07 Charles and Ray Eames, full-length portrait, standing, facing front, in portrait for the New York Herald Tribune,Mar 1956,1 photograph : film negative; 35mm (roll format) LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57246 (digital file from original negative) ●P16 01 Ray Eames, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, in a wedding dress, on the day of her wedding to Charles Eames, 1941, copied 21 Jun. 1984, 1 photograph : 35mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57289. 02 Charles and Ray Eames, 1940, copied 21 June. 1984, 1 photograph : 35mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57288. 03 ⓒ 2019 EamesOffice, LLC 04 Girard House, Santa Fe, 1 Aug. 1954, 1 negative : safety film ; 4 x 5, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ds-05601. 05 Charles Eames and Eero Saarinen, half-length portrait, standing, facing front, in 1940, 1940, copied 12 July 1963, 1 photograph : film negative; sheet 13 x 10 cm (4 x 5 format) , LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57301. 06 Charles and Ray Eames, half-length portrait, standing outdoors, in portrait for the New York Herald Tribune, March 1956, 1 photograph : 35mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57247. 07 ⓒ 2019 EamesOffice, LLC 08 Japanese potter Shōji Hamada with Charles Eames, looking at slides, 13 Sept. 1963, 1 photograph : 120mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57292. 09 Ray Eames with designer Sori Yanagi and Sarine at the home of artist Genichiro Inokuma, Japan,July 1978,1 photograph : color film negative; film width 35mm (roll format) ,LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57316 (digital file from original negative) 10 Ray Eames with sculptor Isamu Noguchi, 13 Feb. 1979, 1 photograph : 35mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57287. 11 撮影:早川豊 12 Charles and Ray Eames with others, seated and standing around a table with a backdrop with a picture of a dove and a statement "Pax, Birthday Felicitations, 17 June. 1960" on Charles Eames' birthday, 17 June. 1960, 1 photograph : 120mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57291. 13 Charles Eames and his grandson Eames Demetrios, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, 1969, 1 photograph : film negative; sheet 13 x 10 cm (4 x 5 format) , LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57302 (digital file from original negative) 14 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 15 ⓒ 同上 16 ⓒ 同上 17 ⓒ 同上 18 ⓒ 同上 19 Views of a sumo wrestler at a studio session for a never-completed film, Sumo Wrestler, about 1971 or 1972, 1 photograph : contact sheet ; sheet 21 x 26 cm. (8x10 format) , LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ds-07497. 20 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 21 ⓒ 同上 22 ⓒ 同上 23 ⓒ 同上 24 ⓒ 同上 25 ⓒ 同上 26 ⓒ 同上 27 ⓒ 同上 28 ⓒ 同上 29 ⓒ 同上 30 ⓒ 同上 31 Plastic armchair shells painted with a figure of a woman and with a cat by artist Saul Steinberg, Eames Office, 12 Dec. 1966, 1 photograph : 35mm film negative, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57258. 32 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 33 ⓒ 同上 34 ⓒ 同上 35 Eames lounge chair and ottoman, at Eames house with rain, 1 Jan. 1956, 1 photographic print, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-09703. 36 Assembling an aluminum Eames chair, 1957, 12 photographs on 1 contact sheet : gelatin silver print ; 26 x 21 cm, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ds-05399. 37 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 38 ⓒ 同上 39 ⓒ 同上 40 ⓒ 同上 41 ⓒ 同上 42 ⓒ 同上 43 ⓒ 同上 44 ⓒ 同上 45 ⓒ 同上 46 ⓒ 同上 47 ⓒ 同上 48 撮影:清水忠男 49 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 50 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 撮影 : Charles Eames 51 ⓒ 同上 52 ⓒ 同上 53 ⓒ 同上 54 Charles and Ray Eames looking at a solar toy at the Eames Office, Los Angeles, California, 11 Nov. 1957, 11 photographs on 1 contact sheet : b&w print ; sheet 26 x 21 cm, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ds-12506. 55 Charles and Ray Eames, working on a toy train set, for Life Magazine, at the Eames House, Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, California, July. 1955, 1 photograph : film negative; 11 x 13 cm (4 x 5 format) , LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ppmsca-57326. 56 ⓒ 2019 Eames Office, LLC 57 ⓒ 同上 ●P17 Ray Eames and Charles Eames seated at a table, 29 Aug. 1974, 1 photographic print, LC, P&P, LC-DIG-ds-00813. ●参考文献 ・Eames design The Work of the Office of Charles and Ray Eames,John Neuhart,Marilyn Neuhart,Ray Eames,Harry N.Abrames,Inc.,Publishers,NewYork,1989 ・THE WORK OF CHARLES AND RAY EAMES: A LEGACY OF INVENTION,HARRY N. ABRAMS,INC. in association with the Library of Congress and the Vitra Design Museum ,1997 (日本語版) チャールズ&レイ・イームズTHE WORK OF CHARLES AND RAY EAMES: A LEGACY OF INVENTION,読売新聞,2004 ・EAMES beautiful details,Eames Demetrios,AMMO Books,2012 ・100 QUOTES BY CHARLES EAMES,Carla Hartman & Eames Demetrios,EAMES OFFICE,2007 ・イームズ入門―チャールズ&レイ・イームズのデザイン原風景, イームズ・デメトリアス,日本文教出版,2004 ・ヘヴンリーハウス―20世紀名作住宅をめぐる旅2 イームズ・ハウス/チャールズ&レイ・イームズ,岸和郎,東京書籍,2008 ・カリフォルニア・デザイン 1930-1965 -モダン・リヴィングの起源- ・CHARLES&RAY EAMES 1907-1978,1912-1988 Pioneers of Mid-Century Modernism,Gloria Koenig,TASCHEN,2005 ・THE WORLD OF CHARLES AND RAY EAMES,Catherine Ince and Lotte Johnson,Barbican Art Gallery,Thames & Hudson Ltd,2016 ・The Details of Modern Architecture Volume 2 1928 to 1988,The MIT Press,Edward R Ford,1996 ・TRUSCON社カタログ,Digitized by ASSOCIATION FOR PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGY,INTERNATIONAL,BULDING TECHNOLOGY HERITAGE LIBRARY, From the collection of Mike Jackson,FAIA,1946 ・季刊approach Autumn2017,竹中工務店 広報部,2017 ・ケース・スタディ・ハウス プロトタイプ住宅の試み 住まい学大系087,岸和郎・植田実 監修,住まいの図書館出版局,1997 ・Case Study House 1945-1962 Second Edition,Esther McCoy,Hennessey & Ingalls, Inc.,1977,ウェンディ・カプラン他 編,新建築社,2013 ・CASE STUDY HOUSES:THE COMPLETE CSH PROGRAM 1945-1966,Elizabeth A.T. Smith,TASCHEN,2013 ・アメリカの名作住宅に暮らす,田中厚子,建築資料研究社,2009 ・工芸ニュース, 20巻3号,20巻11号,21巻4号,22巻7号,25巻8号,29巻5号, 工業技術院産業工芸試験所編,武蔵野美術大学 美術館・図書館所蔵 ・淡交 1952年7月号/第49号,淡交社,茶道総合資料館所蔵 ・ジャパニーズ・モダン 剣持勇とその世界,森仁史,図書刊行会,2005 ・BRUTUS 2000年8月15日号,マガジンハウス,2000 ・BRUTUS 2011年7月15日号,マガジンハウス,2011 ・無盡藏,濱田庄司,朝日新聞,1974 ・画家のおもちゃ箱,猪熊弦一郎,大倉舜二,文化出版局,1984