
白川裕信 ギャラリーエークワッド 館長

アルヴァの最初の事務所はフィンランドのユヴァスキュラにあって、現在この地にはアルヴァ・アアルト財団・美術館のアーカイブとコレクションがあり、本展にも多くのコンテンツと情報を提供していただきました。 展覧会タイトルには「二人のアアルト」という表現があります。アイノとアルヴァが互いに才能を認めあい、影響しあい、相乗的に、また相互補完的に創作活動を行ったという認識を反映しています。


Opening Remarks
Hironobu SHIRAKAWA  Director, Gallery A4

This year (2019) marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Finland. It was 5 years after the establishment of this relationship, in 1924, that Aino started working in the office of the still-unknown Alvar, and they would remain partners in public and private life for the rest of her life. They raised two children, whose children (Aino and Alvar’s grandchildren) are currently co-managing the Aalto Family Collection. The Collection has many materials related to Aino, and we have borrowed many of these for this exhibition as we did for our special exhibition in 2016.
Alvar’s first office was in Jyväskylä, Finland, the current location of the Alvar Aalto Foundation’s Museum archives and collections, which also provided a wealth of content and information for this exhibition. The title of this exhibition includes the expression, “The Two Aaltos.” This expression reflects the perception that Aino and Alvar respected each other’s talents and influenced each other in their respective creative activities, which had a synergistic and complementary effect. While Alvar, whose face was on the former Finnish bill, is regarded as one of his country’s representative architects and the name “Aalto” is generally equated with Alvar alone, this exhibition offers a different perspective. Inherent in “Aalto design” is a practical, functional, and economic spirit that coexists alongside a nuanced sensitivity to nature and a deep consideration for the user, and I believe that this is a shared vision that was reached through a partnership of equals.
This project will look at the trajectory of Aino and Alvar in chronological order, and as “Chapter 1” of this project, Gallery A4 focuses on the proposals and experiments they produced in the early 1930s, reflecting the social conditions of the time.
In the spring of 2020, as “Chapter 2” of this traveling exhibition, a special exhibition of Aalto woodwork furniture will be held at the Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum in Kobe. In 2021, the exhibition will travel to the Setagaya Art Museum and Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art. The project will present a bird’s-eye view in 10 chapters of the 25 years of their partnership until Aino’s death in 1949, and is well worth viewing in its entirety.
Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Alvar Aalto Foundation and Museum, the Aalto Family Collection, Takehiko Nagakura, MIT Department of Architecture, and all the other individuals and parties who provided valuable content for this exhibition.