
アアルト自邸 モダニズムの実用性



The Aalto House – Modern Practicality

Aino and Alvar Aalto traveled to Central Europe in the summer of 1935. The main subjects of the trip were the World Exhibition in Brussels and Wohnbedarf AG., a furniture and interior design company in Switzerland. The firm, based in Zurich, had for many years been a distributor of Aalto furniture and was also licensed to manufacture the Aalto designs used. Along the way, Aaltos also visited other top-of-the-line interior designers such as Stylclair in France and Metz & Co. in the Netherlands. According to the architectural sites, they will also have access to homes of their colleagues and friends, such as Sigfried Giedion, Werner Moser and Christian Zervos.
After returning to Finland in July, the couple completed the drawings of their new house, designed in Munkkiniemi suburb in Helsinki. The Aalto house was completed next year, in 1936. The trip to Europe can be considered as significant both for Alvar Aalto’s architecture and for Aino Aalto’s interior design. Influences had been obtained from many sources and Aino Aalto’s travel journal were filled with ideas and innovations for modern home and living. Many of these novelties were immediately realized in the interiors of the Aalto house.
Aino Aalto had overall responsibility for decorating the interiors and designing the facilities for the new home. Most of the preserved furnishing sketches were created on her drawing board. Already in the late 1920s Aino Aalto was very interested in the so-called minimum apartment issues and developed many improvements, especially for kitchen and home care. New ideals called for hygiene requirements for modern homes: “air, light and health”. This also required practical, lightweight and easy-to-clean furniture, materials and surfaces. In the mid-1930s, Aino Aalto was increasingly focused also on the elements that brought home comfort and coziness.
Especially the material world of the Aalto house got a continental European touch and the rooms were decorated with Moroccan rugs, patterned wool fabrics (including popular zebra fabric), bast upholstery, linoleum, rattan vine racks etc. All these ideas are noticed in Aino’s travel journal. Also “Colonial Chair”, a favorite piece of furniture by French modernists was purchased in the living room. Otherwise, the house was mostly decorated with Aalto furniture.
Aino and Alvar Aalto created a modern home with a clear style based on their own designs. A touch of international influences brought versality and a sense of material to the interiors. The modern design philosophy also spurred the operations and production of Artek, founded in late 1935. The company was founded to take care of the export of Aalto furniture, which had already gained international reputation, and to act as an interior design company to promote rational living and furnishing. As Artek’s Artistic Director, Aino Aalto was able to develop interior design solutions she had already tested in their own home. With Artek, Aino also took on a more independent role as a designer.