
秋山正子 認定NPO法人マギーズ東京 センター長/共同代表理事
鈴木美穂 共同代表理事

さかのぼること5年前の2015年9月29日~10月13日に、このギャラリーエークワッドにて「Maggie’s Centres —生きる喜びを失わないこと—」展を企画・開催していただいたことで、まるで道が開かれたかのように、マギーズ東京が東京都江東区豊洲の地に2016年10月に開設でき、4年の月日が流れました。










Message from Maggie’s Tokyo
Masako Akiyama  Centre Head/Co Representative, Maggie’s Tokyo
Miho Suzuki  Co Representative, Maggie’s Tokyo

On 29 September through 13 October, 2015, five years ago, there was an exhibition “Maggie’s Centres: Not Losing the Joy of Living” planned by and organized at Gallery A4. We felt as if it opened the avenue for us and Maggie’s Tokyo opened in October 2016 at Toyosu, Koto City of Tokyo. And four more years have passed even since then.

Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres (hereinafter called Maggie’s Centres) first opened its door in 1996 at Edinburgh, UK. People can visit without appointment and receive consultation free of charge. It is the cancer support centre for people living with cancer, their family and friends and has attracted attention and interest globally.

It is a great honor for us that we could open the centre in Japan as the 20th Maggie’s centre in 2016, 20th anniversary of the opening of the first Maggie’s.

Many visitors have visited Tokyo during the last four years, reaching the accumulated number of 21,000. Now 2 out of 1 people in Japan are said to have cancer some time in life. With rapid advancement of diagnosis and treatment, cancer treatment is now usually offered at outpatient settings not in inpatient wards. The situation reduces opportunities for people to see and discuss with health care professionals, leaving them alone with worry in the midst of too abundant information. People feel lost and lonely, desperately seeking for the place where they can talk and be as themselves.

Maggie’s Centre is known to people as a place where they feel relaxed and gather their thoughts. It is the second home between hospital and home and the third place to be at. To create comfortable place to stay, a garden is indispensable in addition to an excellent architectural concept.

We find the exhibition a wonderful opportunity to inform people of the centre for support. The exhibition introduces architecture and garden of Maggie’s Centres open in UK and in the world. We are grateful for the cooperation offered by Koji Fujii and Nacása & Partners who took beautiful photographs.

A lot of interesting and supportive ideas are found in Maggie’s gardens since Maggie Jencks, a person who conceived the idea of Maggie’s Centres is a gardener and designer as well as her daughter Lily is. The courtyard of Maggie’s West London is reproduced thanks to the cooperation by NPO Green Works and JAG (Japan Association of Professional Garden Designers) who always help us run flower garden project.

Lastly but not in the least, we would like to express our appreciation for Gallery A4 who organized the exhibition. It is our sincere hope that visitors here will experience special atmosphere available through our garden and building.