
佐藤由巳子 認定NPO法人マギーズ東京 建築環境担当



故マギーは、造園家であり、『The Chinese Garden』を著した庭園史家でもある。スコットランドの旧家ケズウィック家に生まれ、幼少期は父親の仕事で香港に育ち、文化大革命前の中国庭園を熟知している。こうした背景にあって、がんに侵された人たちにとっての“庭”の意味、自然の重要性を忘れてはいない。1996年、エジンバラ(1号)のマギーズセンターの開設を見ずに亡くなったが、2002年のグラスゴー(2号)までは、既存の建物を改修し、庭は夫で建築評論家のチャールズ・ジェンクスや親族が設計している。


庭園設計は、ダン・ピアソン、ピィト・アゥドルフほか、建築設計者同様、世界的なデザイナーによる。近年では、センターの庭を含む環境について「AFFECTIVE SANCTUARIES : UNDERSTANDING MAGGIE’S AS THERAPEUTIC LANDSCAPES/情動的な聖域:治療環境(ランドスケープ)としてのマギーズの意味」(Butterfieldほか、2014~2016)という学術論文にもまとめられている。




* 詳細は、「マギーズセンターの建築要件」および『マギーズの“希望をもたらす建築” Maggie’s  Centres 1996-』(マギーズ東京、2020)参照


Architecture and garden at Maggie’s Centres
Where visitors realize and recover their own capacity and strength.

Yumiko Sato  Architecture and Environment coordinator, Maggie’s Tokyo

Maggie’s Centres have Architecture Brief, describing architectural design requirements*.

The architects commissioned to design a centre have been inspired by a phrase in the brief that “an architect is free to design” and produced a design product staking all on success for the sake of centre visitors, resulting in lots of awards including one from RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects). The brief talks about the garden, saying “a safe garden should be provided”. The gardens and courtyards are accessible to centre users and the clinical staff talk to the visitors there on a beautiful warm day.

Late Maggie was a gardener and garden historian writing the book titled “The Chinese Garden”. She was born in the Keswick family, a distinguished family in Scotland, and grew up in Hong Kong due to her father’s business. She had a deep knowledge of Chinese gardens before Great Cultural Revolution. With such a background, she always reminds us of the significance of “gardens” or the importance of nature to the people who experience cancer. She passed away without seeing Maggie’s Edinburgh open in 1996. Existing buildings were converted into Maggie’s Centres for Edinburgh and Glasgow (the second Maggie’s Centre) opened in 2002. The gardens were designed by her husband, Charles Jencks, and another family member.

Later, a new Glasgow Centre (Gartnavel) opened in 2011 and the centre in Hong Kong opened in 2013 have gardens designed by her daughter Lily. Lily said, “Since people need something to give energy to live while fighting against cancer, I try to make passion of life visible in the garden.” She also said that Maggie’s Centres are the places where people “remind beauty of environment and find their own strength.” She said, “I designed the gardens so that they will be helpful for all visitors to the centre so that, as my mother said, they will not lose “joy of living in the fear of death.”

Like architecture, Maggie’s gardens are designed by world renowned landscape designers such as Dan Pearson and and Piet Oudolf. In recent years, the academic paper was written on the environment of Maggie’s Centres including gardens. The paper has a tittle “Affective Sanctuaries: Understanding Maggie’s as Therapeutic Landscapes” (Butterfield et.al, 2014-2016).

Though small, Maggie’s Centres offer space where visitors recover their own strength with the help of therapeutic architecture and landscape designs.

Maggie’s Tokyo is located in Japan where charity culture is yet to be developed. The centre was built with limited capital and donated wood and furniture. However, it heals the mind and spirit of visitors and staff and gives them hope through “seed ball to flower” project introduced in the NHK program “Gardening as Hobby”.

I wish the exhibition promotes understanding of the importance of environment at Maggie’s Centres and sustains the lives of our charity projects and Maggie’s Tokyo.

* Please refer to “Maggie’s architectural brief” and “Maggie’s Architecture of Hope,  Maggie’s Centres 1996-”(Maggie’s Tokyo,2020)