
元文化庁長官 近藤 誠一



A Contribution to the Exhibit, “The World of Japanese Omokage”a Pictorial Record
Former Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs Seiichi Kondo

I like the (Japanese) title, "The World of Japanese Omokage."It perfectly summarizes Everett-san’s feelings for the Japanese culture.
This is also the title of the novel depicting the life of Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yakumo). Lafcadio, who had developed a deep affection for Japan’s sophisticated spiritual culture, lamented that Japan during the Meiji Era kept moving toward the road to material civilization under the name of modernization and ignored traditional culture. He felt loath to part from beautiful Japan that seemed to gradually flicker out in the distance. “The World of Japanese Omokage” is a perfect word to describe the life of such person. It is not about a “landscape” or “image” of Japan.

At the end of the Noh play, “Izutsu (The Well Cradle),” a woman dressed in Ariwara no Narihira’s headdress and gown (who is actually a ghost of Ki no Aritsune, who exchanged a promise with Narihira to marry him) starts to dance in front of a travelling monk as if she was possessed by Narihira. When the monk glanced into the water mirror inside the water cradle (a wooden frame around a well), the reflection on the water he saw was a glimpse of Narihira. The Noh chorus continues. ”The image of the ghost of a deceased lady is like a wilted flower, colorless yet its fragrance lingers…” The reflection had to be the “lingering image of” Narihira, not just an “image.”

The endearing feelings and respects that Everett-san has towards the Japanese culture are boundlessly profound. They are particularly directed to tools and the world of craftsmanship that is hidden behind tools. In the West, human-beings have been traditionally thought to stand above nature because we are rational. They exploited science and technology to alter natural things to make those things more convenient for people. Thus tools were born. Artworks, on the other hand, were born to express sensations or interpretation of the world. In either case, a philosopher, Martin Heidegger, said the human act of making modifications to natural things add values that were not intrinsic to them. In the case of tools, convenience and functionality are thoroughly pursued and constraints set by nature are challenged. In artworks, artificial beauty that does not exist in nature is created and stressed. Consequently, artworks enjoy a higher status than craftworks.

It is different in Japan. We consider human-beings only as a part of nature. We have been living, without going against nature, simply being embraced by its vast and deep heart. When making tools, we borrowed a part of nature such as bamboos or branches, made the most of what materials could offer to maximize the power they had. Artistic expressions such as emotions or prayers were also expressed in tools. That is how Jomon ware, china bowls or furoshikis are all considered tools but also artworks at the same time. Natural beauty finds its place in our everyday lives and there lies the allure of Japanese tools, whether they are tea making utensils or saws that carpenters use.

Traditional crafts that Japan has been proud of, however, seem to be vanishing. The cultural enlightenment policy pushed by the Meiji Government transformed itself into a short-term merit-based system and is snapping at our feet in the present society. In this society where functionality, efficiency and speed have become the norm, traditional craftworks that require a great deal of time and care have difficulty surviving. Mass-produced products are cheaper, simpler and more convenient. In this society where more emphasis is placed on economy, and arts are pushed aside, the only place the world of craftsmanship could go to would be a museum.

Everett-san feels sad and concerned about this state of affairs and expresses that feeling using a technique called wet plate collodion photography. I cannot think of anything that could be more appropriate for reflecting his “The World of Japanese Omokage” than this technique from the Edo period that is vanishing, profound and ephemeral.