
白十字訪問看護ステーション統括所長 NPO法人マギーズ東京共同代表 秋山 正子
テレビ局記者 NPO法人マギーズ東京共同代表 鈴木 美穂


鈴木は、テレビ報道記者として多忙を極めていた2008年、24歳で乳がんを経験。手術、抗がん剤、放射線、ホルモン治療と治療のフルコースを受ける中で、何よりも苦しかったのは、その先の未来が想像できなかったこと。闘病生活を終えてからは、「一番苦しかった頃の自分と同じような状況の人に、あの時ほしかった情報や居場所を届けたい」と、テレビ報道記者という本業の傍ら、若くしてがんになった人を応援する団体STAND UP!!、そして闘病中でも安心して参加できるヨガなどのワークショップを運営するCue!を開始しました。さらに、いつでもサポートが得られる「場」の必要性を感じていた折、2014 年に患者団体の国際交流会議でマギーズセンターと出会い、これこそまさに闘病中から思い描いていたものだと感じたのです。




Message from Maggie’s Tokyo
Representative Directors of NPO Maggie’s Tokyo Project
Masako Akiyama
Miho Suzuki

This exhibition of the world’s Maggie’s Centres is being held with the cooperation of the venue, Gallery A4, and Nacasa & Partners Inc., who photographed all of the Maggie’s Centres, so from Masako Akiyama and Miho Suzuki, Representative Directors of NPO Maggie’s Tokyo Project, we extend our heartfelt thanks. We recall that as a result of a major introduction to Maggie’s in the public relations magazine “Approach” of Takenaka Corporation in 2010, Maggie’s Centres became widely known in the architectural field, and we are grateful that this has also helped to bring us to where we are today.

Masako Akiyama first encountered Maggie’s Centres at a nursing seminar at the National Cancer Center in 2008. At that time as a visiting nurse, she painfully felt the situation of patients anxiously worrying silently over their problems of daily life, their concerns over the disease, and home nursing care when their remaining time had become short. She felt that “support for what councellors can do by their own efforts” and “support to restore power” was also urgently needed in Japan. Then she undertook activities leading to the establishment of Maggie’s in Japan, such as visiting Maggie’s Centres in the UK, inviting Maggie’s leaders to Japan, and operating the “Kurashi No Hokenshitsu (Healthcare Room for Daily Living)” with hints from Maggie’s.
Miho Suzuki experienced breast cancer at the age of 24 in 2008 as a very busy television journalist. While undergoing the full course of treatment including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and hormone treatment, the most painful thing was not knowing what the future would bring. After her health was fortunately restored, she had a longing to provide those people in the same situation that she was in during her most difficult period the information and a place to go to that she longed for at that time. She started the organization STAND UP!! to support those that contract cancer at a young age, and the organization Cue! that holds workshops, yoga, etc., for those battling the disease, as side activities to her main television journalist work. In addition at a time when she was feeling the need for a “place” where support could be obtained at any time, she encountered Maggie’s Centres at an international conference of a patient group in 2014, and she felt that this was very much what she had envisaged when she was battling with the disease.

When Suzuki returned to Japan she visited Akiyama at “Kurashi No Hokenshitsu (Healthcare Room for Daily Living)”. We strongly had the same idea, and with various acquaintances and volunteers we started up the project to create Maggie’s Centres in Japan, initially in Tokyo. Activities began in earnest with the identification of a potential site, and the activities of specialists in architecture and design, oncology nurses, and the contributions from many people throughout the whole country.

We hope that all our visitors will be touched by the atmosphere of Maggie’s Centres, and we look forward to your future understanding and cooperation.